Here's what to expect on your first visit:


Nobody will make you feel out of place, or make a big deal about you being there.  We don’t make guests stand up or stand out in any way.  In fact, we really do just want you to feel like you belong.  You can relax and enjoy the service as God’s Spirit leads you. Our atmosphere is very casual, so you never have to wonder what to wear.  Our congregation is multi-generational and aspiring to be multi-cultural, so you never have to wonder if you’ll fit in.  Our beliefs are classically Christian, so you never have to worry about what you’ll hear in the message. 

The Bible is preached and proclaimed here at Peerless. Bro. Phillip's preferred method for preaching is to teach series through books of the Bible.  This ensures that every message comes straight from the Scriptures.  In every sermon, he tries to explain what the text meant for those it was written to and what it means for us.  On some occasions, he breaks into his series to preach other topics, but for the most part, you always know what book and what passage we’ll be studying. 


Please explore our website more. Find out ways that at Peerless you and your family can  CONNECT, GROW, SERVE, and GO.  Although this website may be helpful, it's not us! Peerless Baptist Church is people, not a website. We'd love for you to give us a visit! One of our members said it best: "The first visit you're our guest, after that you're family!"